Business Continuity

Business Continuity by LEAP Managed IT

Plan and Prepare

It is perfect timing for LEAP Managed IT’s Mike Stults to discuss Business Continuity on Facebook Live . This is in line with Leap’s effort to continue to be ridiculously helpful in everything that involves technology and business. If you watch the news and are aware of what has been happening all over the world lately, it is best that we continue to equipped and our organizations with information and knowledge.  As Mike discussed, it is always better to prepare and plan rather than be left out in the dark. Remember that staying informed and implementing safeguards and business procedure can save your business.

Who would have thought that a pandemic can change everything overnight? Covid-19 has reshaped  the way business will run in the upcoming months. So now is the best time to plan and look into what is in store for the future.

Cause and Effect

Business continuity is the topic that does not appeal to everybody; however, it is good to talk about it so when things go bad we will know what to do. Often times people turn blind eye on the negative and are not comfortable talking about the “what ifs”. But then again, as a responsible business owner, manager or head of an organization, business continuity planning is essential. Threats can either have a long or short-term effects to the business depending on the disaster. Tornado, flooding, fire, typhoon, pandemic and other natural calamity can cause disruption in your business, which leads to loss of revenue.

The process involves creating a plan for prevention and recovery from threats to the business. It also ensures that your staff and business assets are protected. In an event of disaster, your equipment will be able to function in a given time frame. Which is also why it is important to have data backup plan. Regularly back up important business  data to ensure that if disaster happens, your files and other important documents are intact.

To be able to have a concrete and strong plan of action, you need a defined list of all the risks that can affect the business and its operation. Risk may include natural disasters, sickness or outbreak wherein employees are not able to work and even cyber-attacks.

Plan and Test

Know how these risks will affect the way you run your business. Discuss and plan ways to reduce the risks and impact of these disasters with your team. Make sure to test the procedures that you have come up with to make sure that it will work. Sometimes, you have a powerful plan in place but there are chances they won’t work in real setting. Furthermore, review the process from time to time and make sure it is up to date. In addition, assign each task and distribute responsibilities among employees to  members of the organization. This way, when something comes up, each will have a starting point and know what to do.

Data Backup and Recovery by Leap

It is vital for a business to have a risk management strategy to ensure business continuity. It is the same whether you have a small or big business. Transitioning to remote work is vital in today’s situation. LEAP Managed IT specializes in Data Backup and Recovery  when working from home. They help businesses keep running and manage a quick restoration process to help you, your business and the technology you have, function again after a disaster. For more details visit today.

Patrycja Thomas

Author: Patrycja Thomas

Fortune 500 sales and marketing veteran dedicated to helping small businesses change the world with technology.